Monthly Archives: June 2012

‘To Do’

So, with just over a week to go, I thought it time to start going through my ‘To Do’ list. Everyone loves a list; everyone loves ticking off a list more. I can now officially say the ESTA is updated so I’m now authorised to travel to the US again (I always find the question that asks if you were involved in the Nazi regime an interesting one…); one cheap motel is booked for the first night; and the car…well, I went to book it only to find out I had to update my credit card address first so that it matched my driving licence address. That’ll be a job for Monday then.

On another note, I watched Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights earlier. I was primarily looking for any LA hints and tips and I found the perfect one. Yep, I’m booking a vagacial for A as soon as I can. I’ll sip coconut water straight from the coconut whilst I watch. Just like this kid.


Much love,


Two weeks!

Welcome to our blog! On July 2nd, two freakin’ weeks today, we’re setting off from the UK on a 5 week summer tour of the US and Canada, and what better way to document, in addition to Facebook check-ins and multiple tweets, than a blog! So we thought we’d set this up and ‘go live’.

Our itinerary goes a little like this:

LA>San Fran>Las Vegas>Chicago>Toronto>Montreal>Vermont>Massachusetts>Connecticut>NY

We’ll try update as often as possible, and hopefully you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it. Follow, subscribe, connect! Roll on July 2nd.

Much love,

