Category Archives: Gambling

Sin City

We have been debating about this blog post. After-all, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right? So, we are gonna leave you with the following picture and a brief Top 5 (in no particular order). The rest of our experience can be freely created by you, dear reader.

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Top 5

1) The Venetian Hotel. Gondola rides. Venetian masks. Fake blue sky!
2) The Szechuan Button and the party it created in our mouths. Twice.
3) S’s Rihanna t-shirt getting quite the attention. Who knew he’d been wearing the devil?
4) Visiting Egypt, New York and Paris in the space of 60 minutes.
5) The luxurious Wynn Hotel.
And a bonus 6) Meeting A’s friends in Vegas. Scots abroad!

And I guess we could share a few photos!

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Much love,